Metromaro: the Toys from the Anywhere Subway

For my senior thesis at TCNJ, I created a toy brand called Metromaro. It's a series of collectible figures that each come equipped with a metrocard that comes with a secret code that gives you access to "Mementos" on the Metromaro website. These mementos range from all types of media including but not limited to comics, posters, animations, and printables.

This project encompasses a wide range of creative disciplines, including 3D modeling, illustration, web design, and commercial production. I 3D modeled and 3D printed each Metromaro passenger twice and painted them using an airbrush and Cricut decals.

Awards Won at Senior Showcase: Best Design of Physical Objects, Most Detail-Oriented, and tied for Audience Favorite

Me at the senior showcase
Toys close up

Website Codes

SSStriker: 35786555
MEBO: 70273380
Naveen: 14523893
Livya: 83575140
Hugo Dada: 58403382
Michael: 02847474
Beba: 83867082
Martín: 02982896
Hudi: 94824271

Photos from Senior Showcase

Video on screen and Michael cutout Display case of final figures Computer setup

Figure Production Process Video