Gemini Spray Foam Systems

Business Cards

I created business cards for Gemini Spray Foam Systems, the sister company of Louis & Sons Drywall, Inc. Originally, I wanted to do separate cards for Louis & Sons and Gemini, but I was eventually advised to make a dual business card with the Gemini information on the front and the Louis & Sons information on the back.

Then, I made an individual card for the sales representative.In total, two card designs were used, a dual business card with both companies and a business card for Gemini only.

card mockup

Business card variant 1 Business card variant 2 Business card variant 3
Gemini Trifold


Additionally, I made a trifold brochure in Adobe Illustrator that was given out to builders and homeowners. The brochure showcased the type of services, areas served, and the backstory behind the company.

Magazine Ad

I created a 1/3 page ad for several issues of Long Branch City Lifestyle magazine. I made sure to include consistent branding elements throughout the canvas.

Gemini Spray Foam magazine ad

Motion Graphics Sample Promotional Video